
*Session program revised on October 15, 2024.

Thursday, October31st

17:30~18:00Registration Open
18:00~20:30Opening Reception (Welcome Dinner)

Friday, November 1st,ORBIS Hall , Kyung Hee University

08:30~9:20 Registration Open
9:20~10:20 Conference Sessions
ORBIS Hall Room 252-255
10:20~10:40 Coffee Break
10:40~12:00 Opening Ceremony
-Welcoming Speech
-Keynote Speech
-Awards Ceremony
12:00~13:30 Lunch
13:30~14:50 Conference Sessions
ORBIS Hall Room 252-255
14:50~15:00 Coffee Break
15:00~16:20 Conference Sessions
ORBIS Hall Room 252-255
16:20~16:40 Coffee Break
16:40~17:40 Conference Sessions
ORBIS Hall Room 252-255
17:40~18:00 Closing Ceremony

Saturday, November 2nd

9:00~15:00Industrial Visit



Days: Thursday, October31st, Friday, November 1st, Saturday, November 2nd

Note: Presentation time is 25 minutes in total, with 20 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. The schedule has been adjusted to allow APCIM participants and KIISS Autumn Conference participants to freely move between sessions, attend presentations, and discuss or engage in conversations during the coffee breaks. (The KIISS timetable will be provided separately.) Some sessions may end earlier than planned, so please follow the instructions of the session Chair.

Thursday, October31st

17:30~18:00Registration Open
18:00~20:30Opening Reception(Welcome Dinner)

Restaurant: We are planning to hold the Opening Reception at Modam Dining Gwanghwamun, a restaurant near the Koreana Hotel. Please check the details using the link below: [link ].

Friday, November 1st

7:40~The Shuttle bus will depart from Koreana Hotel to ORBIS Hall , Kyung Hee University
Please gather in the Koreana Hotel lobby by 7:30.
8:30~9:30Registration Open
9:30~10:20Session 1A (Room252)
CHAIR:Yu Cui (Kansai University)
9:30~9:55Masahiro Morita*, Shiro Uesugi, and Kazuaki Naruse
Transcreation and Digital Transformation (DX) of Disaster Information: Enhancing Resilience through Multilingual and Multicultural Communication
9:55~10:20Kazunori Minetaki*, Teruyuki Bunno, and Hiroki Idota
Implementation of DX in the Japanese SMEs
9:30~10:20Session 2B (Room253)
CHAIR:Takashi Okamoto (Ehime University)
9:30~9:55Yoshinori Washitani*
Enhancing the Permeation of Management Philosophy through the Development of a Pattern Language Capturing Practical Experiences
9:55~10:20Tetsuro Saisho*
A Study on Trade DX System in Japan’s Global Supply Chain: A Case Study on the Construction of a Trade Information Collaboration Platform
9:30~10:20Session 3C (Room254)
CHAIR:Aki Nakanishi (Meiji University)
9:30~9:55Hisaki Goto* and Ben B. Kim
Comparative Analysis of AI Policies and AI Education in Japan and the U.S.
9:55~10:20Akira Uchino*
Can deep learning learn the rules of the game by itself? –Man Beats Machine at Go in Human Victory over AI
9:30~10:20Session 4D (Room255)
CHAIR:Yohko Orito(Ehime University)
9:30~9:55Osam Sato*, Norikazu Onda, and Hideki Nakai
What Teaches Teach in Japanese Elementary Schools as Programming Education
9:55~10:20Norihito Seki* and Takao Hayami
Research on Education of Statistics for Freshman in Japan: Responding to Policy Imperatives of Data Science
10:20~10:40Coffee Break
10:40~12:00Opening Ceremony
-Welcoming Speech
-Keynote Speech
-Awards Ceremony
13:30~14:50Session 5A (Room252)
CHAIR:Wei Zhao (Chubu University)
13:30~13:55Kazuto Otani*
Key Success Factors of Information Management in International Construction Joint Venture
13:55~14:20Hiroshi Sasaki*
DX Talent Needs in Japan from the Perspective Human Capital Management
14:20~14:45Hyeon Ko* and Hajime Ushimaru
The Impact of Coupling and Decoupling of Top Management and Supervisors’ Proactivity Toward Diversity Management on Inclusive Climate
13:30~14:50Session 6B (Room253)
CHAIR:Soohyun Park (Otemon Gakuin University)
13:30~13:55Sanetake Nagayoshi* and Jun Nakamura
Enhancing Organizational Memory through Computerized Recording and Facilitating Human Memory in Japanese Companies
13:55~14:20Kazuhisa Fukuzawa* and Tokimasa Goto
A Study of Drawing Analysis in Patent Technology Trend Survey
14:20~14:45Ryoko Asai*, Kiyoshi Murata and Tatsuya Yamazaki
Digital Care: Its Potential and Ethical Challenges
13:30~14:50Session 7C (Room254)
CHAIR:Osamu Sato (Tokyo Keizai University)
13:30~13:55Kazuhisa Fukuzawa* and Tomoya Ikeyama
A Study of Drawing Analysis in Patent Technology Trend Survey
13:55~14:20Takashi Okamoto*
How do Live Streaming e-commerce Features Impact Japanese Consumers’ Purchase Intention?
14:20~14:45Jian Liu* and Kazuhisa Fukuzawa
Analysis of YouTube Thumbnail Design Elements and their Impact on Viewer Engagement
13:30~14:50Session 8D (Room255)
CHAIR:Kenji Yoshimi (Seikei University)
13:30~13:55Masatake Saito*
A Study on Communication in Cyberspace
13:55~14:20Tokiko Nakamura*, Hirotoshi Fukuda, Naoki Teramoto, Daisuke Nishi, and Yoshiaki Fukami
Transforming Winery Resource Acquisition through Electronic Communication
14:20~14:45Masako Asai* and Aki Nakanishi
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Digitalized Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
14:50~15:00Coffee Break
15:00~16:20Session 9A (Room252)
CHAIR:Akira Uchino (Senshu University)
15:00~15:25Yuko Aoyama*, Masami Fujii, Yoshiyuki Ohmori, and Kazutaka Kitamori
Loosely Coupled Information System Services by Service Logic Specification
15:25~15:50Yusuke Mochizuki* and Toshio Takagi
Management’s Intentions behind Sales Force Automation Implementation: Explored from an Autoethnographic Perspective
15:50~16:15Yohko Orito*, Tomonori Yamamoto, Shizuka Suzuki, Hidenobu Sai, Kiyoshi Murata, Yasunori Fukuta, Taichi Isobe, and Masashi Hori
Brain-Machine Interface Usage for People with Disabilities: Its Expected Benefits and Social Risks
15:00~16:20Session 10B (Room253)
CHAIR:Tetsuro Saisho (Kokushikan University)
15:00~15:25Miyu Takeda* and Yu Cui
Fostering Self-Governing Distributed Networks: Web 3.0’s Role and its Convergence with Emerging Technologies
15:25~15:50Hyeon Ko*
Turnover Dynamics among Asian International University Graduates in Japan
15:50~16:15Naoki Teramoto*
The Constructing Process of Psychological Safety in the Cyber Incident Handling
15:00~16:20Session 11C (Room254)
CHAIR:Hitoshi Okada(National Institute of Informatics)
15:00~15:25Hiroshi Koga* and Sachiko Yanagihara
The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Memory Characteristics of Telecommuters: A Preliminary Study
15:25~15:50Yu Cui*, Hiroki Idota, and Masaharu Ota
Leveraging Blockchain for Supply Chain Optimization in the New Energy Vehicle Industry: An Operational Management Perspective
15:50~16:15Haruka Soga* and Hiroyasu Yuhashi
A Case Analysis on Reproductive Trend of Purebred Swine in Japanese Pig Farm
15:00~16:20Session 12D (Room255)
CHAIR:Hiroshi Sasaki (Rikkyo University)
15:00~15:25Misato Fujioka*, Toshio Takagi, and Aki Nakanishi
Diverse Actions Triggered by Information: A Case Study of Due Diligence in Business Succession
15:25~15:50Kenji Yoshimi*, Kazuya Tanimoto, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Kenichi Iwai, Shoji Ueda, and Daiji Hario
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism-Related Posts in Japan: From Analysis using Question Texts on Q&A Websites
15:50~16:15Tadao Obana* and Takehiko Okamoto
Considerating the Educational Effects of Using a Simulator to Experience Restaurant Management Decision-Making during the COVID-19
16:20~16:40Coffee Break
16:40~17:40Session13A (Room252)
CHAIR:Masatake Saito(Chuo University)
16:40~17:05Yukihiro Wakuta*, Natsuko Fujikawa, and Wei Zhao
Managing Tensions by IT Start-ups in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
17:05~17:40Hiroki Tanzawa* and Hiroyasu Yuhashi
A Study on Competitive Structure and Key Success Factors in Japan’s SVOD Market Based on Five Forces Analysis
16:40~17:40Session 14C (Room254)
CHAIR:Toshio Takagi (Yokohama City University)
16:40~17:05Nagayuki Saito*
Examination of Policy Architecture Based on Human Behavior -Application of Behavioral Insights as Countermeasures against Misinformation and Disinformation-
17:05~17:40Naoe Imura*
Ecosystem Shifts and Digitalization in the Japanese Anime Industry: Impact on Production Quality and Global Expansion
17:40~18:00Closing Ceremony
18:10~The Shuttle bus will depart from Kyung Hee University to Koreana Hotel

Saturday, November 2nd

09:00~15:00Industrial Visit

Note for the Company Visit on Saturday, November 2nd:

Meet at Koreana Hotel lobby at 9:00 AM and return by 3:00 PM. For those joining the industrial tour, lunch will cost 3,000 yen. The lunch fee (in Japanese yen) and the 200 USD conference registration fee (in US dollars) will be collected during the Opening Reception (Welcome Dinner) on October 31. Payment for the conference fee must be in US dollars, and payment for the industrial tour lunch must be in Japanese yen. Please note that no change will be provided, so kindly bring the exact amounts. Payments by credit card, Korean won, electronic money, or other methods are not accepted. Please confirm your participation in the local company visit on November 2nd via the APCIM2024 Registration Form.